Time in Tibet, is a short documentary style film by Edwin Lee with Fallout Media. GoPro Entertainment launched it’s “Cinema”category specifically for amazing video stories such as this. Edwin Lee pushes the boundaries on how to use the GoPro Hero camera and tell a video story on a history that is captivating.
Shot while traveling through Tibet in July 2014, Edwin Lee gives us this short video story, which will give you a glimpse into a culture that not only has existed for over a 1000 years but can provide you a view of how the people live and interact today.
What’s also intriguing, is the use of GoPro accessories that Edwin had available to him. Now powered with his Feiyu G3 Ultra 3-axis gimbal and GoPro Hero 3+ camera, Edwin produces stunning footage and delivers a high end video, while giving us the sense of a culture in a far away land and sharing that story to us in a short documentary style film with his passion and GoPro camera. Well done Edwin!
Videographer: Edwin Lee
GoPro Camera Used: Hero 3+ and Feiyu G3 Ultra 3-axis gimbal
Video Settings: Protune on, 1080 fps24, 720 100
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